sport e benessere psicofisico

Articolo del 04/11/2024

Saturday, September 28, was a day unlike any other, spent outdoors and dedicated to the wellness of both body and mind. We enjoyed a morning filled with awareness and reflections on our lifestyle and physical activity, all essential elements for achieving psychophysical balance. In an increasingly fast-paced world, taking time for self-care is crucial, and this event provided the perfect opportunity to pause and reflect on what our bodies truly need to thrive.

With valuable insights from physiotherapist Lorenzo, detailed explanations from Dr. Gaia Morice, a nutritionist at Ars Biomedica, and a relaxing yoga session led by Cristina, we gained a clear understanding of the first steps needed to attain a stable and lasting psychophysical equilibrium. These professionals equipped us with practical and simple tools to integrate into our daily lives, allowing us to care for ourselves both physically and mentally.

The goal of this initiative was to raise awareness about the importance of physical activity, not only as an outdoor pursuit but also as a shared and social experience. In a context where many individuals lack clear health or fitness guidance, events like this become essential for creating a support network and fostering a healthier, more mindful lifestyle.

Our completely free event was an extraordinary opportunity to share our story and the values that have guided us for over 60 years with those who may not yet know us. It was an important moment to convey our vision of wellness and health awareness, developed through decades of experience and dedication to our work.

If you want to participate in events like this one, designed to promote health and wellbeing, sign up for our newsletter.

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