Speech therapy is a healthcare profession within the field of rehabilitation that deals with the assessment, evaluation, prevention, education, and re-education of pathologies and disorders related to communication, voice, and language, both written and oral, as well as swallowing and cognitive disorders.

At Arsbiomedica, the speech therapist, in close collaboration with the multidisciplinary team of the Clinic, after diagnosis and prescription by the physician, develops the speech assessment aimed at identifying and satisfying the health needs of the individual, whether in developmental, adult, or geriatric age.

The fields of action of speech therapy are manifold:

  • Neurological and neurobehavioral alterations such as aphasia, dysarthria, agnosia, apraxia, executive function disorders, dementia;
  • Otorhinolaryngological and phoniatric issues: such as dysphonia, dysphagia, orofacial myofunctional imbalance, and rehabilitation of facial oro-deglutitive functions;
  • Language and communication issues in developmental age, such as language developmental delays, specific language disorders, phonological disorders, verbal dyspraxia, whether primary or secondary; 
  • Learning difficulties (dyslexia, dysorthographia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia) in children and adults.

The therapeutic activity practiced is aimed at the rehabilitation of communicative and cognitive disabilities, using speech therapy therapies for the habilitation and rehabilitation of verbal and non-verbal communication and language. In some cases, the speech therapist may propose, in agreement with the specialist physician, the adoption of communication aids, training them in their use and verifying their effectiveness. It is the responsibility of the speech therapist, in collaboration with psychologists, to provide strategies not only to the patient but also to the family and caregivers, through targeted counseling sessions aimed at creating an aware and supportive environment.

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