A specialized unit that deals with all pathologies of the lungs and chest, including neoplastic ones.

At Arsbiomedica Clinic, a close collaboration between surgeons, oncologists, physiatrists, physiotherapists, and internists enables significant pathways for preoperative preparation and postoperative recovery, crucial for ensuring the best return to normalcy.

Diagnostic Procedures:

Complex Surgical Procedures

  • Lung Cancer Surgery
  • Tracheobronchial and Pulmonary Artery Reconstructive Surgery
  • Reconstructive Surgery of the Superior Vena Cava
  • Tracheal Surgery
  • Mediastinal Surgery

Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures:

  • Pneumothorax Treatment
  • Thoracic Drainage
  • Videomediastinoscopy with Biopsies (General/Local Anesthesia)
  • Anterior Mediastinotomy with Biopsies
  • Minimally Invasive Video-Assisted Thoracoscopy (VATS – General/Local Anesthesia in Selected Cases)
  • Lung Resection
  • Pulmonary Emphysema Surgery
  • Standard Lobectomies
  • Sympathectomies (e.g., Palmar Hyperhidrosis)
  • Parietal Pleura Biopsies for Diagnostic Purposes
  • Chemical Pleurodesis with Talc
  • Post-Empyema Pleural Decortication
  • Thymectomy (e.g., Myasthenia, Thymus Carcinoma)
  • Anterior Mediastinal Neoplasms
  • Thoracic Wall and Diaphragm Surgery
  • Immersed Thoracic Goiter
  • Major Surgical Procedures
  • Thoracoscopy and Minimally Invasive Approach

Characterized by the use of cutting-edge surgical instruments such as 4K video-assisted thoracoscopy, the minimally invasive approach allows for surgery to be performed through small incisions for greater precision and fewer postoperative complications.

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