At Arsbiomedica, a special space has been dedicated to mammography, thanks to the presence of the Senographe Pristina system with “Serena 3D”, an advanced tool that allows for the acquisition of sophisticated mammographic images with 3D characteristics (with very low radiation dosage). Tomosynthesis is precisely the system’s ability to acquire stratigraphic images of the breast, enabling physicians to visualize in 3D.

With the system available at Arsbiomedica and the excellent radiologists who characterize our team, the examination achieves a very high diagnostic value because it can identify even very small anomalies, such as microcalcifications.

Mammography is one of the primary level examinations that all women over 40 should undergo annually for breast cancer prevention.

Our Senology team consists entirely of highly specialized female radiology technicians, who perform compression of the mammary gland—a very important factor for acquiring high-resolution images—ensuring minimal discomfort possible. Mammography cannot be considered a painful examination, although the level of discomfort may vary individually.

When to undergo mammography

Mammography does not require any special preparation. It is advisable to avoid mammography during the pre-menstrual period due to increased breast tension, which could cause discomfort during compression in some individuals.

On the day of mammography, it is advisable to refrain from using perfumes, deodorants, or creams on the breast or underarms, as they could alter diagnostic images.

Although the system available at Arsbiomedica allows for the examination to be performed with very low radiation dosage, mammography cannot be performed during pregnancy. During breastfeeding, mammography poses no risk to the health of the mother or the baby, but it is advisable to finish the breastfeeding period, unless there are urgent conditions, given the greater difficulty in studying the breast during this metabolic phase.

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