We specialize in treating conditions affecting the bones, nerves, and tendons of the upper limb, particularly the hand. Our service is equipped to promptly handle all cases of hand trauma, employing the most advanced microsurgical techniques.


Accurate diagnosis, supported by instrumental examinations, is essential to determine the need for surgery. These examinations include:

  • CT Scan
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound
  • Electromyography


  • Wrist Fractures (radius and ulna): Among the most common fractures, treated with modern low-profile anatomical plates or percutaneous elastic systems that do not require incision.
  • Metacarpal Fractures: Managed with static osteosynthesis or a unique percutaneous intramedullary anterograde technique, allowing immediate hand mobility and preventing stiffness.
  • Scaphoid Fractures: These subtle fractures require a range of osteosynthesis techniques and specific expertise to ensure complete healing.
  • Phalangeal Fractures and Dislocations: The complex anatomy of the fingers and the high risk of post-traumatic stiffness demand prompt, balanced treatments integrated with specific rehabilitation protocols.

Complex Hand Injuries

  • Flexor and Extensor Tendon Injuries: Surgical treatment of tendon injuries in the hand relies on promptness and precision for therapeutic success.
  • Nerve Injuries: Modern microsurgical techniques using an operating microscope and specific devices like neural guides are essential.
  • Wrist Ligament Injuries: Treated using advanced arthroscopic techniques.
  • Scapholunate Instability
  • Lunotriquetral Instability
  • Distal Radioulnar Instability
  • Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex (TFCC) Injuries


  • Finger or Hand Amputations: Availability of a dedicated team that can promptly intervene 24/7, supported by the latest technology, is unique in the regional private healthcare landscape.

Elective Surgery

  • Peripheral Nerve Compression Syndromes of the Upper Limb:
    • Median Nerve: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, anterior interosseous nerve syndrome, etc.
    • Ulnar Nerve: Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow and Guyon’s canal.
    • Radial Nerve: Radial neuropathy at the Arcade of Frohse, Wartenberg’s syndrome, etc.
  • Tendon Disorders:
    • Trigger Finger, De Quervain’s Tenosynovitis, Rheumatic Tenosynovitis, Chronic Tendinopathies, Pseudo-tumoral Tenosynovitis (Xanthogranuloma, Giant Cell Tumor).
  • Dupuytren’s Disease:
    • Surgical treatment and collagenase injections.
  • Surgery for Tumoral and Tumor-like Lesions of the Soft Tissues and Skeleton of the Hand:
    • Pigmented villonodular synovitis, lipomas, osteoid osteoma, osteochondroma, etc.
  • Arthritis Surgery in Various Regions of the Wrist and Hand:
    • Thumb arthritis, radiocarpal arthritis, intracarpal arthritis, proximal and distal interphalangeal joint arthritis: treated with biological arthroplasties and/or prosthetic replacements.
  • Surgery for Secondary Deformities from Rheumatic Diseases.
  • Surgery for Congenital Hand Malformations:
    • Syndactyly, polysyndactyly, polydactyly, congenital trigger finger, camptodactyly, clinodactyly, brachymetacarpia, thumb hypoplasia, etc.

Our hand surgery unit is committed to providing the highest standard of care, utilizing the latest surgical techniques and collaborating with other specialists to ensure optimal patient outcomes.

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