Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive bariatric surgery procedure that involves resecting the stomach, meaning a portion of the stomach is removed, making it an irreversible surgery.

Following the surgery, the body responds by producing fewer of the hormones responsible for hunger while simultaneously increasing the production of other hormones that enhance the feeling of fullness, which occurs after only a few bites.

Why undergo a Sleeve Gastrectomy?

It is the most frequently performed bariatric procedure in Italy and worldwide in recent years. Sleeve gastrectomy is a quick procedure, highly effective in achieving the desired results, and almost free of nutritional complications.

In the first few years after a sleeve gastrectomy, patients typically experience a weight loss of about 60% of their excess weight with minimal effort, resulting in a good quality of life post-procedure.

When is Sleeve Gastrectomy Recommended?

Sleeve gastrectomy can be performed in the majority of cases. For patients with type 2 diabetes or gastroesophageal reflux, gastric bypass might be a more advisable option.

How to Prepare for Sleeve Gastrectomy

The procedure does not require any special preparations.

What to Expect After a Sleeve Gastrectomy

In the long term, it is crucial for patients to maintain their newly acquired eating habits. Therefore, regular follow-up visits are necessary to optimize weight loss and prevent complications such as gastroesophageal reflux, constipation, and deficiencies in iron, folic acid, and vitamins (particularly vitamin B12 in the first postoperative year and for women of childbearing age).

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